Transuniverse recruits warehouse workers in a very innovative way

Logistics activities are growing strongly. Finding sufficient and motivated staff is therefore quite a challenge. Together with the coaching company Levanto and the Flemish employment agency VDAB, we found most of our new warehousing staff in a very innovative way: via a day full of interactive games.

“This innovative method allows us to focus on the skills of the candidates and not on their CV. About twenty candidates came to this interactive application day. We found most of the employees we needed,” says HR manager Valérie Van Haver.

“The classic job interview is so old school. If, just like Transuniverse Forwarding, you want to find suitable employees, you can approach it differently. Levanto has developed a tailor-made job application game, in which competencies emerge that the future employer considers important,” says Simone Middeldorp, project employee ‘Expedition Work’ at Levanto.

“During those playful moments, you see potential employees in action. You immediately discover their real competences. Do they work well in a group? How do they deal with procedures? Do they take initiative? That is much more efficient to reveal these skills than a job interview or a CV”, Valérie Van Haver explains.


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