Standards and values to guide our relationships

As part of Transuniverse’s sustainability strategy, we have defined the ‘norms and values’ that characterise our company. After all, they not only influence how we as a company are perceived by our employees and customers, they also contribute to its proper functioning.


Norms are unwritten rules about how you are supposed to behave. Values are the underlying ideals that are identified as valuable, either as a person or as a company. By defining them, we can achieve more consistency in behaviour and decision-making. Thus, these norms and values contribute to a better working atmosphere within the company as well as to a solid relationship of trust with customers and partners. These norms and values guide our actions with our partners (employees and service providers) and our customers. So they are useful both internally and externally.


What are the norms and values that characterize Transuniverse?

Being flexible is really typical of our company, both internally (towards employees) and externally (towards customers). This is our core value.


Being results-oriented is indispensable for achieving quality. Therefore, knowledge and expertise are important, but so is investing in training. This is also important to promote synergy between departments.


Respectful: Understanding situations and opinions ensure efficient teamwork and better communication with employees, partners and customers.


Being committed implies not only commitment but also taking responsibility.


Being open (in spirit) ensures accessibility, reachability and low threshold. This is characteristic of a family-run company like ours.



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