New look

A  new  structure  demands  a  new  house  style.   This  puts  a  modern,  consistent  and  immediately  recognisable  face  on  everything  to  do with Transuniverse Group, from the trucks to the website and business cards.

The new house style is part of  Transuniverse’s efforts to profile itself more actively in the market  as a company that is not to be overlooked.

“It  makes  us  more  visible  and  promotes  the  message  that  we know who we are and where we are heading”, operations manager Kevin Van Ongeval emphasises. “We are really going for it. This year’s figures are great, for a start.”

The  key  colours  will  still  be  black,  green  and  white,  but the design is sleeker and it will be used more consistently for all our materials.   These  colours determine the general appearance of the website.

They are used on our business cards for the slogan ‘We ship, we handle, we store, we care’.

Soon they will also be featured on sixty trailers belonging to our subcontractors.  Thirty vehicles used nationally will be adapted first.  In  the  second  phase,  we will adapt the same number of trailers used for international routes. This will give Transuniverse Group even more visibility.



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