The European Union (EU) has concluded trade agreements with several countries that provide favourable import duties. With recognition of preferential origin, a commodity can benefit from a reduced or zero customs tariff. For this, however, certain evidence is needed. Transuniverse will be holding an information session on this, on 12 March.
For imports from partner countries – such as the UK or those of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Convention (PEM) – consignments accompanied by a preferential proof of origin qualify for a reduction in or exemption from import duties. So for Belgian importers, this favourable tariff is a cost-reducing factor.
Belgian exporters, too, can ensure that their non-EU customers qualify for those favourable import duties.
Thus, both the importer and the exporter can derive an advantage from this in their international negotiations and in concluding trade contracts with partners in those third countries.
However, regulations are constantly evolving and the EU has concluded more and more new origin agreements in recent years.
Transuniverse is therefore organising a free information session during which a renowned expert will give a commentary. He will explain each part of his talk with practical examples.
Questions you are sure to get answers to are:
- How can I determine whether my product has ‘origin’ status?
- What are the relaxed rules of origin under the revised PEM agreement?
- What are the possible proofs of origin? What simplifications are possible here?
- What documents must I have to prove the origin of my goods?
- Are the supplier statements I use or prepare legally correct?
- Do I take advantage of cumulation opportunities?
Our expert: Josse Verbeken
Josse Verbeken has had a rich career at the General Administration of Customs and Excise. Among other things, he worked at the customs vocational training centre, where he trained officials and conducted in-service training courses. He is also co-author of the book ‘Douane en Accijnzen’ (Intersentia Publishing). He shares his expertise as a guest speaker at seminars of professional associations and companies.
- 12 March 2024
- 3 pm: Welcome
- 30 pm: Beginning of the session
- 6 pm: Reception (with opportunity to ask the speaker specific questions)
- At Transuniverse Forwarding, Industrieweg 118, 9032 Wondelgem.
- Ample parking, with possibility to charge your electric car (reservation required)
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